The Spence Family

Most people don’t grow up. Most people age. They find parking spaces, honor their credit cards, get married, have children, and call that maturity. What that is, is aging.― Maya Angelou

Age is 110% attitude. If we act our age, then we’re darn old.

That’s why I love hanging around this family. They keep me young. And definitely on my toes. And photographing them for a second-year in a row, the result gets better with age.

There’s nothing better than youth, it’s only in hindsight beauty appears in self-awareness.

A new parent of two, my 20-year-enthusiasm thrives inside a body of almost a 40-year-old. The energy of youth keeps me thinking sharp, joints ache more than I remember as my 18-year-old self. I look forward to seeing this family once a week in our Lakes Martial Arts classes. I’m proud of our grown-up rapport. Star Wars and Ninja Turtles are still cool topics to discuss.

“Thanks, Mom and Dad,” doesn’t often come until about 18 years or so later, or so I predict. Which I only guesstimate serves as a universal sign they want one of three things: 1) extra love 2) money 3) both.

Yet, photos speak the love and pride.spence-family-portraits-002-2016-10-22-22-50.jpgspence-family-portraits-003-2016-10-22-22-50.jpg

If Fortune magazine needs the next entrepreneur photo, my choice pictured left. Runner’s World has a new model, featured right. The key to all these portraits: they are real.

Art informs reality.

I think most parents identify with this:spence-family-portraits-006-2016-10-22-22-50.jpg

Often my favorite photographs are those candids, unposed, camera unaware… much like these:

I caught this one walking down the cat walk, all fashionable. I’m the kids will LOVE seeing what Mom looked like at this age (even though our parent-self doesn’t really love being in front of the camera).

Posing for his first Burning Man portrait.

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