southwestern colorado landscapes

finding time to create meaning, personal work is an important challenge for every photographer. personal work is what many photographers dream about and love to get inspired to create. yet, that same meaningful personal work is something very little of us get to do 100% of the time. or even 10% of the time.

that's why on my way back from durango, colorado two weeks ago, i made sure i stopped along the road to smell the flowers, savor the sights, and get back to my landscape photography roots. while there were not an abundance of flowers, there were plenty of stunning landscapes that reminded me about the greatness of wild colorado. part of the love of landscape photography is the solitude. the other is the search for the good light and composition and then using photographic tools to attempt to 'capture the moment.'

95% of the time i find myself waiting for hours or days in patience and perseverance while traveling, planning, and scouting locations. the remainder 5% can be pure adrenaline experience measured in minutes. ahhh, that's when the elusive 'it' happens.

this image was photographed literally standing next to the road for 1/2 second exposure, f/22, iso 100 at 12 mm focal length near red mountain pass.
photographed literally standing next to the road for 1/2 second exposure, f/22, iso 100 at 12 mm focal length near red mountain pass.RJK_9240_2

just outside of silverton, colorado, this landscape reflection was photographed for 1/750 second exposure @ f/9.5, iso 800 at 14 mm.
just outside of silverton, colorado. photographed for 1/750 second exposure @ f/9.5, iso 800 at 14 mm.

red mountain pass photographed for 1/60 second exposure @ f/16, iso 200 at 12 mm focal length.
red mountain pass. photographed for 1/60 second exposure @ f/16, iso 200 at 12 mm focal length.

i dig the dramatic perspective with the 10.5 mm fisheye while i was hanging out for 1/90 second at f/9.5, iso 280.
some dramatic perspective with the 10.5 mm fisheye hanging out for 1/90 second at f/9.5 iso 280.

minutes before sunset, the light skimmed across these distant hills located south of montrose, colorado. the image was shot at f/2.8 at 1/250 sec , iso 280, and focal length of 125mm.
south of montrose, colorado at f/2.8 at 1/250 sec , iso 280, and focal length of 125mm.